Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life affirming

My skills as a photographer is modest. Yet my conceit is such that I buy a complex, expensive piece of precision digital optics and shoot it in auto setting. I think it's kind of like buying a vintage Ferrari and retrofitting a slushbox. So the resulting pictures are pedestrian at best, and if my camera could sigh with dull disappointment, well, too bad. I shot this picture at the Georgia Aquarium last weekend. By some happy accident or a deeply latent pool of unexpected talent, I ended up with a shot that I love. Hyperbole being the disease of overly sentimental parents, I think it's the bestest picture ever of the two of my favorite people in the world, and it is, as the topic stated, life affirming.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Domestication of daddy

I have somehow become the designated bath person for Annabelle. At around 8, sometime after dinner, Annabelle starts to wail plaintively, "Bath, bath!!!" I pretend I don't hear her and hope that my wife would somehow gamely tackle the task. Then Annabelle comes to me, grasps my hand tightly in hers, and pulls. And I go, because I do not have the heart to disengage her tiny hand from mine. In fact, I cannot. It seems altogether all too intimate a link to sever, more so because she initiated it. For the moment, I am a big ox, being pulled by a small peasant girl. To the field or slaughter, it does not matter.

At the same time I live in muted dread of the time, either due to some mischief and misdeeds or by mere passage of time and culmination of familiarity, I can drop her hand without a thought. Be callous and unthinking of her. Will it happen? I see her universe growing each day and by extension, my part becoming smaller. Before I can drop her hand, perhaps she will stop coming to me, face scrunched in mock distress, wailing, "Bath, bath!!!"

I understand on the intellectual level the profitlessness of this train of thought. I think back on my relationship with my parents and the one between them and their parents. Regrets and vague yearnings, contrasting with sharpness of conflicts, and raw, bleeding edges of wounds.

I will be better. I will be. Yet the pledge has the practiced ring of promise spoken often before and never quite fulfilled. But I will be better.

Friday, March 27, 2009


We are adding a member to our family. In July. A little boy. It came as a shock. Not that we weren't trying. We planned for quite a while to have two kids. Since our first one is a girl, we really wanted a boy this time. And people were never short of advice on how to achieve that end. One of the more scientific-sounding advice had some voodoo involving ovulation timing so we got a few ovulation sticks and proceeded to get ready to rock on short notice.

Except the sticks always indicated that my wife was not ovulating.

At the same time, my wife was suffering from some kind of chest cold and she went to see her doctor. And as a precaution, they ran a quick pregnancy test before a chest x-ray. One guess what the result was. I guess when you're pregnant, you don't ovulate. Makes sense, I guess. Otherwise, you might queue up a litter of siblings...

I feel some trepidation, of course. Over these past two years, if you add up the hours of sleep I've lost, I'm pretty sure the sum handily exceeds two years. However impossible that actually is, that's exactly how I feel. It's as though you go through a lengthy, still on-going, rigorous and exhausting test of endurance, patience, fiscal discipline, and aforementioned sleep deprivation, and you decide to sign up for another, concurrent, more of the same. Oh the fecundity...

But we are ready. I expect everything will have a bit of comforting deja vu-ness to it. And we won't stress about certain things nearly as much as we did the first time around. I'm not naive, or blindly hopeful. I know it'll be difficult, perhaps in new and different ways than the first time around. But the big difference is now I know. I know. I know what the reward is. Every time my daughter runs to me, smiling, calling out "daddy!" in an excited way a child reserves for her father in these early, early years when her universe is small and you are the sun and the stars, I feel the weight of the world shedding from my shoulder and my universe, for that moment, shrinks to the same size as hers. And she is my sun, my stars.

That, I can stand to have hundred times over, no matter the cost.